Our vision
and structure
Navigating the Digital Assets space necessitates investing and risk management expertise, as well as a strong technological grasp
Risk assessment and
Wide market
macro thinking
Crypto native expertise
and blockchain tech
Our vision is to be part of this historic moment of the world SHIFTing. And to assist the transition and adoption on various levels, be it to make Digital Assets more understandable and accessible to our clients, as well as developing cutting-edge solutions that can facilitate the navigation of the industry as a whole.

This vision walks hand in hand with our mission to facilitate the better understanding of this new world. Navigating Digital Assets space requires investing and risk management expertise combined with deep technological grip. Blockchain technology has the ability to revolutionize traditional risk management – in fact it allows to manage risks like never before, sourcing data from within the blockchain in real time, and monitoring the risks “live” and not “after” such risks occurred.
Our vision
Our team
Our team composes of experienced investment and risk managers, having previous experience with top investment companies, and cutting edge IT professionals with vast blockchain focused experience. We combine crypto native expertise and blockchain tech with comprehensive macro thinking, wider market analysis, risk assessment and management, coupled with a vision of where we are going – not where we are.